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How to avoid the car battery over discharging

Date:2016-04-12 10:01:36    From:JL GROUP
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Avoid using high-power electrical appliances while car waiting. High-power electrical appliances include headlamps, fog lamps, heated seats, stereo and air conditioning. In general, a normal fully charged battery allows the headlights two hours of work. With the reduction in the rated capacity of the battery, the shorter the headlamps can work normal hours. If you forget to turn off the headlights after leaving the car, and the vehicle computer don’t have automatically lights off function, the chance of the car can not start up to 99% in the next morning. you should pull down the negative battery when you don ‘t use the car, because there are also weak current consumption when long time parking , the battery will runs out for a long time . So for vehicles not used for long, we should be pull down the negative battery, to avoid excessive battery power consumption.