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The Recycling Rules of the Electric Car Battery is going Public Making Sure Huge Potential Market

Date:2016-04-12 09:55:53    From:JL GROUP
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"Electric Vehicle Battery Recycling Technology Policy (2015 Edition)" ( "Policy") has entered into the comment period, will be released soon. The industry believes that "policy" to define the responsibilities of the main recycling, battery recycling business to solve the bottleneck problem, will create a huge potential market space.

"Policy" is released by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry together. Administrations who said the aim is to guide relevant enterprises to carry out reasonable electric vehicle battery production and recycling work,in order to build momentum downstream enterprises linked to the battery recycling system.
?The first clear the main responsibility for recycling

"Policy" is applicable products to provide energy for electric vehicle battery system, the battery pack (group) and battery management system. Including lithium-ion batteries, nickel metal hydride battery power, which does not include lead-acid batteries.
Data show that by the end of 2014, China's new electric car ownership has exceeded 120,000. New power rapid growth in car ownership, but also indicates that dynamic power battery recycling has a broad market. China Automotive Technology and Research Center predicts that by 2020, China's electric vehicle battery scrap accumulated capacity will reach 120,000 to 170,000 tons of scale. Despite the huge potential market space, but because the main responsibility is not clear, it restricted the commercial value of battery recycling mining.